Happy weekend! This was such an off week with all the snow. I didn’t leave my house for almost 48 hours and almost all of my clients and classes were cancelled for the week. I was so ready to finally get out of the house and go teach on Friday afternoon. It was time.

Speaking of a weird week…we had an earthquake last night. I was sitting at my desk a little after 10 p.m. when I felt the whole room start to shake. First I was terrified that one of the huge oak trees in my yard was falling down due to the snow and weather but then it stopped seconds later. My heart was pounding and I instantly went to Twitter (THE place to go for breaking news) and searched “earthquake” and saw that people felt it in Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. Apparently there was a 4.1 magnitude quake in Edgefield, South Carolina. That’s about 160 miles from Charlotte. I really think that’s the first time I’ve felt an earthquake like that. It was quite unsettling. Have you ever felt an earthquake? Did anyone else feel this one?
Snow and an earthquake in one week in the south…what’s going on here!?
Here’s a quick look at some snow week eats…

I spared you the smoothie pics this week and just shot this one bowl of banana oatmeal with peanut butter. I have kept up with the warm lemon water every morning. Thanks for all your feedback on it and I’ll let you know how it goes for me after a while.

Butternut squash soup and salad. This was the best salad I have made in a long time. Romain, super greens and herb blend with pears, avocado, toasted walnuts, dried cranberries, feta and turkey with homemade honey dijon balsamic.

Tomato and red pepper soup with a wrap. I mixed it up a little with this wrap by adding thinly sliced pears with the turkey, ham, avocado, spinach and havarti. I love adding apples and pears to wraps and sandwiches. Fun little twist.

Turkey burger with havarti, sauteed mushrooms and caramelized onions, roasted sweet potatoes and roasted brussels sprouts.

Since I had the luxury of being home all day on Wednesday due to the snow, I whipped up a batch of homemade spaghetti sauce and let it simmer on the stove for hours. It was the perfect comfort meal with a salad and a glass of wine.

I’ve been making this spaghetti sauce with ground beef, italian sausage and mushrooms for years and years. It’s my #1 fave!

My Valentine’s Day dinner was nothing exciting because I didn’t get home from yoga teacher training until after 10 p.m. At least I had some Reese’s to make up for it!

I’ve lost count of how many of these I’ve eaten this week. I think I’m averaging 3-4 per day. So good.
Have a great weekend!
Insane weather and I have experienced 2 earthquakes…1 in San Diego and 1 in NJ…They are scary and it really makes you realize how small we truly are on this planet and how we have no control over the environment. I always love your cheese plates! Happy Weekend!
gosh, that is so true. i can’t imagine living somewhere where they are a regular thing.
hope you’re having an amazing weekend. xo!
I experienced my first earthquake a couple of years ago when I lived in San Diego. It was scary for me…
i can’t imagine living somewhere that they’re common. was it a big or long earthquake?
I have never been in an earthquake but I felt a VERY mild one – that hit Virginia (I Live in PA) one time. It was so slight that most people missed it.
yeah ours was only like 3 seconds and a lot of people didn’t feel it.
Didn’t feel the one last night (which is strange, I was up), but felt several when I lived in the San Francisco area. The scariest one was at night when we were out camping in the woods. Talk about freaky.
I am going to use your salad as a guide for my next one. It looks delish!
uh yeah…the woods thing would have freaked me out! but i guess that is a good place to be if there was a bigger one.
glad you got some salad inspiration!
We had an earthquake once a coue years ago. I was in a newly constructed office building and right away thought the bulding must’ve been constructed poor and was collapsing. Lol. I went right to Facebook and realized it was an earthquake.
ahh! that’s crazy. so funny how immediate social media is with updates on this kind of stuff.
We had an earthquake in NYC a year or two ago. At the time, I was at my office in downtown manhattan… After it stopped, a few of the ladies on my floor grabbed their purses and booked it for the stairwell, thinking it was some sort if attack. It was crazy! I have no idea how people in California can deal with that all the time!
i’m sure that would be a common reaction in NYC. scary. and yes, i could not deal with the earth moving on the regular. so freaky! have a good weekend!
I kept seeing on FB that people felt it here in ATL, but I didn’t at all.
I felt my first earthquake last year. Definitely unsettling!
such a crazy feeling!
I have felt earthquakes twice here in Maryland. The first one was so slight that I had no idea that it was an earthquake. The second time I was on the 4th floor of my building at work and everything started shaking- and our building is really old so it was pretty scary! We all ran down the stairs and evacuated the building and finally figured out what was going on.
oh wow, that would have MEGA freaked me out!
Hi. I would love your recipe for the salad dressing !
i HAVE TO get a post up about salad dressings. i have been saying it forever. i’ll do it this week. committing right now!
Sullie looks SO cute!!!
she’s the sweetest. she loves the snow!
Who was your valentine? Tanner?
why does it matter? i don’t blog about my personal life and haven’t for over two years now. most people respect that.
I’ve felt a couple earthquakes in the past few years.. it’s always such a weird feeling. I remember the most recent one went on for so long that I was like, “woah.. this is an earthquake.” I thought everything was going to fall off the shelf above me, yikes!
Oh man, an earthquake? Really— what’s happening in the South?! I’m glad it wasn’t a big one and that you’re okay.
I want ALL your food. Your salad and your wrap have some of my favorite ingredients in them. I can always count on you for meal inspiration!
Definitely felt it last night in Augusta Georgia! It took me a minute to figure out what was going on! Crazy!
This week was so weird!! We didn’t get all the snow just ice. Can’t believe how much snow you got! I love hot lemon water in the morning. I make it got and add a quarter teaspoon of ghee and honey. I drink it before my morning yoga
i’ve been doing the lemon, honey and cayenne for a week! i’ve never heard the ghee variation. ice is the worst! i hope you stayed safe.
Super yummy eat this week! Glad you got out the house, the snow can be so frustrating!
Sullie is so cute in the snow!
We were at a movie during the earthquake, so we didn’t notice it. However, I had a million texts from everyone freaking out and asking if we felt it, haha!
Looks like an interesting week! Where do you get the turkey/ham meat from? I haven’t loved it at Trader Joe’s. Also, what types of wraps do you use? You inspire such beautiful meals!
Maybe this is weird but I love looking at your food!!! Always makes me hungry!
yay! thanks!
OMG I’m in Greensboro, and I had a dream over the weekend that I was in an earthquake!! I don’t remember what night it was, but I wonder if that’s what it was! How crazy!