Today is the Winter Solstice which brings the shortest day and longest night of the year. It brings opportunity to honor both light and dark.
I spent this morning outside on a trail run, celebrating light and connecting with nature. I visited Ann Springs Close Greenway for the first time and did five trail miles. It was so peaceful and I even got to stop and love on some gorgeous horses. I will certainly be back to this special spot, and recommend it to anyone in the Charlotte area.
I’m spending the evening at home embracing the early darkness and enjoying my Christmas lights and decorations, a candle and Christmas hymns playing in the background.
I used to dislike the winter season with its short days, long nights and cold temperatures but over the last few years I have really come to love and appreciate it this time of year. It feels cozy and introspective…which is right up my introverted alley.
One of the biggest lessons of my adult life has been honoring light and dark, and being able to hold both in paradox. We all have light and dark things in our lives, and within our beings, and that’s totally normal. It’s okay to talk about the dark, it’s okay to honor the dark, it’s okay to lean into the dark.
Over the next couple of weeks I will be doing a lot of reflecting on the last decade. What have I learned? What are the things that I need to let go of. What do I need to lean into? What do I want and need for my life? And how can I create intentions and goals to support that?
I hope that you guys will take pause during this busy season of the year to do the same. <3
On another note, let’s talk about what’s been going on over here for the last few days.

The most exciting news is that we have a bonus golden! Sweet Bear has joined us for a holiday visit and we couldn’t be more thrilled. Many of you will probably remember Bear from past visits.
I have missed having two goldens around the house and I have felt that Zoey misses having a companion. She had never been an only dog until Sullie passed away, and I think it’s been hard on her. Bear’s presence has only reinforced this and gosh…how I hope we can become a two-golden family again soon. <3 I am working with a golden retriever rescue and praying that we will get the right dog at the right time. There’s no guarantee on if and when it will happen but I’m hopeful that if it’s meant to be, it will be.

Finn and Bear have become fast friends. Bear is just the sweetest, most gentle and calm boy. He and Zoey are the same age.

I took both of them for a walk yesterday and it was like all was right in my world again. I miss Sullie girl so much.

I’m so grateful that I can raise Finn to be a dog lover. <3
Final note for this post…Finn had his first hair cut on Friday!

He did SO WELL! I took him to Snip Its and we had a great experience.

While I’m sad to see those sweet curls in the back go, I think he looks so handsome. And of course I was crazy enough to snip off one of the curls and put it in a baggie for a keepsake.
And that’s a wrap for tonight. Merry everything to all of you and thank you for being here.
Even though I have the opposite of a hoarding problem (purging problem) and rarely keep anything I did keep my daughters hair after her first cut!! Its a right of passage. My mom still has mine and I remember looking at with fascination when I was small. We lost our boxer in May of this year and have been wavering hard on getting a second dog. Considering a bull mastiff. I was never really a dog person to begin with (it was my husbands dog initially) and can’t deny how convenient it is not having to organize life around the dogs schedule … but I miss the companionship and the cuddles way more than I expected!!
Hey Andrea – I loved your comment about the hair. So sweet. <3 And I also loved your comment about having a dog in the house. I totally get the ease of not having to deal with the logistics or mess but it's so special to have their presence. <3