First, thank you so much for the nice comments and Tweets about my painless return to running. I have felt so encouraged by everyone’s kind and comforting words over the last couple weeks. Thank you, thank you!
Second, wow am I sore! I woke up pretty sore on Friday after teaching BodyPump on Thursday night. I felt kind of guilty for going so light on my squat weight (since I’m being extra careful with my leg) so I went heavy on the chest and back tracks. On top of that soreness, I subbed a BodyPump class this morning and then beelined it to another YMCA for a group strength class. I was planning on just observing the class but once I got there I felt like I had to participate. I am now even more sore and feeling pretty fatigued after two hours of total body strength training today. I may not be able to move tomorrow!
And the reason that I was observing the group strength class…I am going to be teaching it! Last week I met with the head of group exercise at another Y about picking up some classes there. I am so excited (and nervous!) about this opportunity. This Y is extremely busy and it’s not uncommon for the group strength classes to have 50+ members in attendance. Ahh! And to clarify, I am not giving up my BodyPump classes…just taking on more!
Before I taught BodyPump this morning I had a big bowl of oats. I knew I’d need this to get me through my intense morning.
I reviewed my BodyPump choreography while I was eating pumpkin banana oats. This bowl featured oats, Bob’s Red Mill 10-Grain Cereal, almond milk, water, pinch of salt, cinnamon, chia seeds, banana and pureed pumpkin. Topped with peanut butter and Crofter’s.
I had to take Sullie to the vet after my classes. She has a really, really bad ear infection. She was even running a fever. It breaks my heart that she doesn’t feel well. She’s all fixed up with drops, ear cleaner and an anti-inflammatory (think dog Advil). She is pretty much the sweetest pup ever and wagged her tail and loved every person who poked and prodded her. She has struggled with ear infections her whole life – she hasn’t had one in a while so we were hoping we were past this. Boo.
I stopped by my in law’s house to check on their party prep situation. They were hosting a big couples bridal shower tonight for a friend’s daugther. My mother in law was preparing dinner for 38 BY HERSELF. Amazing. Needless to say, I took one look at her “to do” list and got to work helping.
I took a break for a quick lunch.
Bagel thin – one half with pimento cheese and cucumbers and the other half with almond butter and jam.
After I finished helping her in the kitchen I felt inspired to get to work in my own kitchen. I made a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip bars and homemade crackers.
We had plans to babysit our nieces tonight.
Part of our babysitting duties included dinner. Fun but messy!
They are so cute but so very busy! I love spending time with them.
We picked up a pizza on our way home and watched football while we ate. We are getting ready to turn in. It’s been a long day.
The forecast calls for rain and cooler temperatures all day tomorrow. I’m actually really looking forward to that. I see lots of coffee, lounging and brunch at home in our future!
Your cereal sounds amazing, I love Bob’s Red Mill! I will definitely try it:) I have been looking for a homemade cracker recipe, excited to try this one:) It seems like all crackers have High Fructose Corn Syrup, Yuck!
Thanks Terra! I love creating random oatmeal combinations and Bob’s Red Mill cereals are one of my favorite things to add in. I agree with you about finding good crackers – it’s tough. It was surprisingly easy to make these at home!
Ah I want to take one or your strength classes so bad. And poor Sullie
Doggie problems break my heart. I hope she’s ok!
You’re welcome to any time! I’m going to be on a weekend rotation at the Dowd Y starting in October so maybe after your races you can come to one of my classes. I’ll be teaching Saturday and Sunday once a month!
Thanks for the kind words about Sullie! I hate seeing her in pain.