This last week has been full of adventures for both Finn and myself. It started with some fun in Charlotte followed by a trip to Tennessee and has ended in Florida!

Given Finn’s newfound mobility combined with his adoration of all things water, I wanted to explore some Charlotte-area splash pads while the season is still going. I had heard a lot of great things about Crooked Creek Park in Indian Trail so we took an afternoon outing one day.

Finn had a great time and the park was definitely worth the 20-25 minute drive for us to get there.

I work with VIDA Hot Yoga as their lead teacher/teacher trainer. Our next teacher training starts in September so I made a quick trip up to Tennessee to teach a master class, host a Q&A session about teacher training and audit some of my former TTs classes.

I arrived on Wednesday afternoon and left Friday evening after a lakeside staff get together. I arrived back in Charlotte around midnight and then turned around and picked up Finn early Saturday morning.
We spent the day in Charlotte hanging out with Zoey, cleaning, doing laundry and repacking.

And on Saturday evening we flew down to Florida to spend the week with my family. This is the last week that my doctor really wanted me to avoid teaching hot yoga. I have the green light to start on Friday. When he initially gave me a start back date, I booked a trip to Florida because it worked well with my schedule with Finn. Now that the time is here, I think I could have started teaching this week.

Finn is always happy to be in Florida, especially to see his Mema.

And I’m trying to enjoy this last extended visit before gearing up for a very busy remainder of August and fall with yoga trainings and work.
I was reflecting back on how much I’ve traveled for work in the last year. Since last September, I’ve traveled 12 weekends for yoga trainings/workshops/other events and then also that week for the retreat. I have always wanted to travel and teach outside of Charlotte so it’s been a good experience for me and I’ve really enjoyed connecting with so many new students. It’s been especially wonderful to become a part of the VIDA and Studio B communities and to extend my yoga family. <3
I’m so looking forward to another year full of travel, trainings and new connections. I feel fortunate to do the work that I do.
Do you have any remaining summer adventures planned? Whether they’re at home or away?
Do you travel for work? Do you like it or would you rather be home?
That is so cute that Finn has been loving water! Glad you’re enjoying some more time in Florida. I think all my summer trips are done for the year. I start back with University in the next week, so that pretty well takes up most of my schedule. Thanks for sharing!
My son started walking last month. I can’t wait to take him to a splash pad. I think he’ll love it! He’s had some ear infections this summer so we’ve had to avoid water which is a bummer as summer is so short in Minnesota!
I used to travel for work. The amount ebbed and flowed depending on what was happening at work. But once I got pregnant I said I did not want to travel for work unless it was absolutely necessary. When I interviewed for my job 4 years ago, I was still single but I asked if I could stop traveling when/if I had children and my boss said that was definitely fine. I had to take a 3-day trip the first month back at work which was pretty tough but unavoidable as it was a big team offsite meeting I couldn’t miss. It was hard on me but I am sure our son did not even notice I was gone! My husband would have no problem traveling for work but it’s not necessary in his job.
As far as summer travel plans, we are heading to my parents lake home tomorrow for a 5-day vacation. We definitely prefer staying closer to home in the summer as this is the nicest time of year in Minnesota. After this lake trip, we don’t have any other plans but we are talking about going somewhere warm in Jan or Feb to get away from our awful winter!
I hear you about not wanting to travel with kids. It try to schedule all of mine around when Finn isn’t with me. Also helps keep me distracted to stay immersed in work when I don’t have him.
I hope you had a great time at the lake and enjoy the summer you have left!
Although the calendar (and our weather!) still tells me it’s summer, our sons went back to school last week, so our summer is effectively over. We took a trip to visit my sister and her family in NC the week before school started, and that was our last hurrah for this summer.
I do occasionally travel for work but usually nowhere fun. I don’t mind it but would rather be home with my sons.
It’s so crazy to me how early so many kids go back to school these days. I agree that I would rather be home with Finn and I try to schedule all of my travel for when he’s not with me.
Quick question for you, what’s your go to flying outfit when traveling with Finn? I’m flying solo with my daughter soon and am surprisingly stressed over what to wear that will be easy to nurse her in, if need be, as well as go to the bathroom quickly and navigate the airport quickly. Thanks!
Lululemon align leggings, a Coobie bra and a flowy tank. Makes for easy travel and easy nursing. You can also carry a scarf or muslin blanket for a nursing cover but Finn rips them away from his face these days.