I was going to wait until Saturday to post this so that I could title it Super Fruit Saturday (it just flows better than Super Fruit Friday) but I know how you guys operate and more of you read on Fridays than Saturdays.
Why do I care what day you’re reading? Because I have an awesome giveaway for you courtesy of Stonyfield Farms! Details at the end of the post! 😀
I started today out by waking up to the alarm I set for 5:15 to practice ashtanga. I was wide awake after turning off the alarm but had no desire to go practice. Given my crazy teaching schedule for the week, I thought it better to listen to my body and chill out rather than force myself to practice.

Breakfast at my desk was overnight oats in an almost empty almond butter jar. Yummmm….
It was a beautiful day in Charlotte. Temperatures in the high 70s and abundant sunshine. I came home to enjoy lunch al fresco!

Lunch was extra delicious. Grilled cheese with fresh mozzarella, spinach and peach hot pepper jam on ciabatta. An orange on the side.
I was really craving a kombucha after lunch but didn’t have any on hand and didn’t have enough time to stop for one. (My wallet thanked me for that.) I got creative at work.

I made a cup of Pomegranate Raspberry Green Tea and let it steep and cool for a while and then poured it over ice. An Apple Pie Larabar was my afternoon snack.
I taught BodyPump after work and had so much fun! I love my evening classes because the energy of the members is through the roof. We were all smiles and sweat tonight. It was AWESOME! 🙂
Brandon and I took advantage of the nice weather and grilled.

We made chicken, tempeh and vegetables kabobs. Brandon coated his chicken with a Dizzy Pig rub and barbecue sauce. I marinated my tempeh in barbecue sauce. The veggie skewers featured mushrooms marinated in teriyaki, pineapple, green pepper and sweet onion.

Grilled potatoes and honey wheat French bread on the side. A great healthy dinner from the grill!
Now let’s get to that giveaway, shall we!?
A few weeks ago, Stonyfield Organic reached out to me about trying their new Oikos Super Fruits Greek yogurt.

Super Fruits is Stonyfield’s newest Oikos flavor and features pomegranate with raspberries and acai. I eat a lot of Greek yogurt so I happily agreed to try it out. I use Greek yogurt as not only a delicious breakfast or snack but also as a protein source since I try to limit my meat consumption. This little cup of yogurt has 13 grams of protein and just 130 calories!

The verdict? Honestly, I prefer plain Greek yogurt with my own mix-ins and toppings (so that I can control the sweetness) but I really enjoyed this yogurt. It is sweet but not overly so – it contained no more sugar than the Larabar I had for my snack today. It’s not as thick as some other Greek yogurts but is very creamy. The fruit is on the bottom and is stirred in. I would definitely buy the Super Fruits flavor again for an afternoon snack at work.

Here’s what’s included in the super fruits themed giveaway!
- 2 free coupons for Oikos Organic Super Fruits Greek Yogurt
- Weleda All Natural Pomegranate Firming Day Cream and Pomegranate Firming Serum
- 2 free coupons for Crofters Organic Fruit Spreads (you guys know how much I love Crofters!!!)
- Organic Pomegranate lip balm, made by Eco Lips
- 2 samples of Numi Organic Berry Black Tea (featuring organic raspberry and raspberry leaf)
- Simply Be Well Organic Pomegranate Moisturizing Body Bar
- RW Knudsen Family 32oz. Organic Just Pomegranate juice and coupons
Now, what do you have to do to enter to win? Let’s talk organics! In an effort to help consumers understand Stonyfield’s commitment to organics, their CE-Yo made a music video explaining why you should, “Just Eat Organic.” I would love for you to check out the video.
To enter the giveaway, TELL ME what organic means to you and how it fits into your lifestyle. I promise that I will do a post soon and discuss what it means to me. This is totally optional but I will definitely give you an extra entry if you Tweet about the giveaway or give it a shout out in your blog.
Stonyfield will send out the package to the winner and will ship anywhere in the continental U.S. Giveaway ends Sunday at midnight EST!
Organic means sustainable agricultural practices without the harmful use of pesticides. It also tastes better, gets that local flavor. I wish i could be 100% organic but my wallet would cry.
To me, organic means safer, healthier food. I purchase organic produce when it is available, and when it is not too expensive.
To me, organic just means better. When I think organic, I think locally (pesticide free) grown produce and (hormone free) raised meats. I love buying organic and locally grown anything, because I like supporting local farmers as opposed to massive corporations.
Organic isn’t always possible, but I try to fit it into my lifestyle as often as I can.
Wow, what a great giveaway!
To me, organic is definitely about buying local and buying sustainable & ethical. I don’t think that I practice that enough, but I would love to be able to be better about it.
To me organic is a product that is, from start to finish, better for the environment and better for me.
To me, organic means I am putting that I know exactly what I am putting in my body. There are no questions on where it came from or how it’s produced, and that makes me feel good. Unfortunately, I can’t always afford it, but I always go organic when I can.
There always seems to be controversy stirring around the “organic” label. When I see a product labeled “organic” I tend to think that I’m buying a product that was produced ethically. I also believe that it comes from a place where people stand behind the product. It’s comforting to know exactly what you are putting into your body. I don’t eat as many organic products that I like, but I always buy organic dairy and lots of organic produce.
For me organic means control over how food is produced, processed and attention to ensuring it’s as pure as possible. When I eat organic I feel cleaner, less sludgy and more vibrant. Many times the increased price keeps people from embracing all organic (even me sometimes) but I think if we help support organic farmers and companies the increased demand of their healthier products would overall bring the price of their goods down. Love Organic and your website! Good work 🙂
To me organic just means healthier and safer. I love knowing that YOU can control what you put in your body!
I like the idea of organic farming because it shows more respect for nature. I don’t use insecticides in my own garden, hoping that the combination of insect eating birds and natural pests will strike a balance and allow me to harvest enough fruit and veg for my needs. Please remember, if you are eating organic for your health, but using a lawn service or applying chemicals yourself, you are defeating your purpose!
Great reminder, Trish!!!
to me organic means clean! clean agricultural practices, clean food, clean bill of health!
To me, organic means sustainable, ethical, and environmentally safe. It’s food the way it was meant to be–without the use of pesticides and added hormones. The cost is not always easy to swallow, but in the end, cheap food has greater costs for our health and the environment.
I agree that the cost can be a deterrent at times but lately I’ve just been sticking to my guns and making it happen. I find that I can cut in other places to make up for it. I agree that our health comes first!
To me, organic means as close to “natural state” as possible. This means that produce is grown without any added pesticides or fertilizers and animals used for their meat/products are not fed hormones or antibiotics.
great post, jen! this giveaway is AWESOME!
to me, organic means food grown naturally, the way it was meant to be. i always feel that when food is organic, it is delicious and beautiful because it’s untouched by unnatural things! (and I can’t wait for the spring/summer season when there are so many beautiful fruits and veggies all over the place!!)
Have a great weekend!
Marian – I am also looking forward to summer produce! It makes me so happy to visit with the farmers and stock up at the market on the weekends and enjoy the fresh fruits and veggies all week.
It was great seeing you in class this morning. Wow, it was a tough one, huh? Obsessed with that warm up! Happy weekend to you too! 🙂
organic to me is cleaner and not full of chemicals.
Organic to us means as natural as can be, with no chemical treatments/additives, etc. When I think of organic, I immediately think of my grandparents. They are in their 80s and have farmed their entire lives. They used NO products to help their gardens thrive, just the soil, leaf clippings, sun & water God gave them. And each year their crops are abundant & delicious.
It fits into our lifestyles because we’re recipients of delicious fruits & vegetables each year from them. My husband & I also decided to start small by having our own garden this year, with soil we have from composting our own materials – therefore reducing the amount of waste we produce.
It’s nice to have such good ‘taking care of the earth’ role models in my grandparents!
Lauren – thank you so much for sharing your story! How lucky you are to have such inspiring grandparents and to receive their crops. It’s one of my goals to have an organic garden in the next few years (when I have more free time) but until then, I’ll be supporting our local farmers at the market.
What a fun giveaway!
To me organic just symbolizes a healthier, more natural way.
with a toddler and another little one on the way, the fresher and greener we can eat, the better for everyone. i’m not saying that we always manage to make it work, but it’s definitely in the back of our minds all. the. time.
Organic reminds me that everyone needs to be educated on what they put into their body. It is importan to get to know your products, find out what the company’s are doing to deserve the organic label. Ive had a friend who started to eat organic beef twice a day everyday because she thought that since it was organic it was better for her than other meat or meat substitutes. “To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art” -La Rochefoucauld
Hey Jen! Just wanted to tell you that my friend, Court, started reading your blog and is now obsessed with your overnight oats! Happy Weekend!
Yum – that grilled cheese sandwich looks SO good! And I never thought to put pineapple on a veggie skewer, but I am SO trying that next time we grill!
To me, organic means making the best food decisions FOR ME. If I can afford to buy the dirty dozen organically, I will. If I can make it to a Farmer’s Market and muster up the courage to ask if they farm organically (if they aren’t certified, which most of the vendors at my market are not) I will. But, if I can’t make it work for me, I don’t beat myself up about it either!
The giveaway looks great! Here’s hoping…
To me, organic means that my wife will not let me eat meat if the “organic” section of the meat isle is empty. It also gives me comfort to know that my future children will be less likely to have 3 eyes and an extra toe.
To me, organic = healthier! I know I can trust the products that I am putting in my body. Plain and simple.
Loving your giveaway! I am a frequent reader, and noticed that you often enjoy a kombucha – have you take the time to email the guys at GT’s to ask for coupons? I just recently did and they were more than happy to answer my request! I simply dropped them an email at the “drinks4life” email address.
What does organic mean to me? it means clean nutrients, clean body, and clean life! it means treating the world, myself included, the way its supposed to be!Letting my body run on the fuel designed for it!
great giveaway– I’ve been a reader for a long time and love all the yoga posts!
Organic to me means Whole Foods or Earth Fare or a similar store. Clean veggies and fruit that werent treated with pesticides. I buy some organic foods now but I think once I start a family I want to feed my children as much organic and I can.
I tweeted about the giveaway too!
Organic to me means “real” food. I don’t care about cookies, crackers, cakes, etc being organic, because those are meant for indulgences. I care mostly about organic meats and a few fruits and veggies. Buying organic doesn’t always fit my fresh-outta-college budget, but I try! I feel like people should focus more on the specific types of foods they put in their body, first and foremost, like grains, lean meats, fresh fruits and veg, versus whether it’s organic or not. That yogurt flavor looks delicious!
The first thing that comes to my mind is also “clean,” meaning no pesticies, fertilizers, and steroids/hormones. But I should probably purchase more orgainic products than I do.
organic means fresh, clean, free of pesticides, and worth the extra change! i try to focus on fruits and veg – especially the dirty dozen – and figure it’s worth the extra cash.
Wholesome, healthy and good for me. Just the thought makes me feel like I am doing something good for my long range health!!
Organic to mee means local, fresh, and clean. It makes me feel good to support the local farmers as well as giving my body healthy nutritional food.
How funny that I asked the yogurt question today! To me organic means chemical free! Oh and your husband wrote a very funny post!
Organic means true to how it should be and true-to-form. One of my favorite friends describes people as ‘organic’ when they are just down-to-earth, tender-hearted people. To me, being organic means being conscious of what products are being used and how wholesome they are for the earth!
Organic means more nutrients to me. And less pesticides.
Knowing something is organic means that I feel confident I’m giving my kids something pure and safe. And we love Stonyfield in our home 🙂 We go through three 32 oz containers of whole milk yogurt a week. My kids gobble it up!
I used to skimp on groceries and opt for the least expensive options. Now that I’ve been educated on what I was ingesting, I am horrified. I can confidently spend a few dollars at the grocery store knowing that this is a small investment in the future of my health 🙂
During marathon training, I really try to focus on putting whole, real foods into my boy. ORGANIC means an extra boost in putting the best stuff into me!
Organic to me means not putting chemicals in my body. I like the feeling of putting something pure into my body vs. junk. Great giveaway!!
organic means clean/fresh
To me, eating organic means putting clean, healthy food into my body AND supporting those farmers and food manufacturers that actually care about the food we are eating. The crazy chemicals and genetically modified foods out there freak me out! Ever seen the movie Food, Inc? It’s life changing!
Eating organic to me means pure food. It reminds me of the way my grandma used to feed me. She fed us what came out of her garden and the meat from her own livestock (this was way back before local/organic became buzz-words). We were given wheat toast with green tea for our bed time snack. So organic to me means pure, comfort food.
Organic means a choice to me. I’m a student so our house is on a limited budget, but we like to make it a priority to put good food in our bodies. We choose organic but choose to do less things like going out to movies or spending alot on other things.
To me, organic means more responsible, thoughtful, and natural. And often more expensive! 🙂
Organic means healthy, nutritious and whole foods. Our family watched Food Inc. together so we could all be on board toegether (my boys are 8 and 6). They are now avid consumers of labels and are cognizant of where our food comes from. We purchase organic food as much as possible, are members of a CSA year round (we live in Maine and try to eat by the season as much as possible), and buy our meat from local farmers who pasture feed their animals. Organic is simply, wholesome goodness!
Organic fosters healthy options. Doing something good for my body ina healthy way.
okay I swear I already commented on this but apparently I didn’t. Oragnic is always better to me because i believe it truely is healthier, but it can really get so expensive! I try to do it when I can 🙂
To me, labeling something organic means it is as close as it can be to its natural, unprocessed, and healthy state as it can be. It’s the basics – and nothing more!
I’ve tried the superfruits yogurt, it’s not bad…not Chobani, but not bad 🙂
When I think organic I also think local. For me, it’s produce and dairy items since I don’t eat meat (and that means my poor husband really doesn’t either! oops!). It’s better in the long run for me, to optimize my body!
Organic, especially as a mother of 3 young children, means pure from the inside out. It means giving our bodies the right start, our environment the respect it deserves, and our local community the sustainability it needs. Practically speaking, it means putting my money where my mouth is and sending a message that this consumer cares about my health and those in my care.
Organic means to me foods without harmful chemicals. I really love to eat organic because I’m striving to eat what is natural to help my body be the best it can be naturally.
It’s tough to define organic w/o letting all the outside definitions skew my true thoughts. However, I feel that organic equals a pure state — indside-out and not outside-in. God needs no interference in what He creates — organic reminds of just that.
To me organic is a fun word because it is more about experiences and relationships than food. So for me, organic means finding out if companies who use the word “organic” live by the spirit of the word, not just the legislation. Organic means a trip to my local Farmer’s Market after a Saturday run where I not only buy good food, but I get to talk to the people who grew it, canned it, or baked it. Organic means visiting a local farm where cows and chickens are living their true “cowness” and “chickenness” and appreciating all that goes in to humanely raising these animals. Organic means joining a Community Supported Agriculture group with my friends and sharing recipes. Organic to means planting something, even if it is just a container of herbs on my patio.
My “organic” lifestyle has been fostered by these experiences and relationships I have formed and not just the food I eat. Organic and the experiences that come with it will always be part of my journey.