I am so relieved to see Friday come to a close. It has been a really long week. I don’t have much going on this weekend and could not be more content. I’m kicking off the weekend on the couch with the Olympics and a bowl of ice cream with chocolate sauce and peanut butter. It’s pretty incredible. Ice cream makes me so happy…it’s the little things, right?
I do have some plans for the weekend. They include teaching some yoga (yay), taking a balancing poses workshop from a teacher visiting from Chicago and baking these cookies. I’m determined to master them. Yoga and cookies, I can live with that.

I made overnight oats for breakfast. I included peaches, bananas and blueberries for my fruits.

I was driving home for lunch today when I remembered the fridge was pretty bare. I had a major veggie craving so I did a u-turn and hit up the Earth Fare salad bar instead. One pound of veggies and a kombucha later and I was feeling much better.
I had a crazy, crazy afternoon at work and finally headed over to the new location around 5:30 to take the evening CrossFit class and help out around the gym.
The workout was just what I needed for a Friday evening. We started out by working our squat cleans so I got some strength in. The WOD was all running and bodyweight stuff and could easily be done at home.
Buy in: 1 mile run
5 Rounds For Time
10 push ups (hand release)
20 ab mat situps
30 air squats
I ran my mile in 6:50 (woooo!) and got straight into the bodyweight exercises. I finished in 14:40. I was 7 seconds off of the top female finisher and I have no idea how I could have gone any faster to make it up.

I can’t even remember the last time I ate pasta and I had a major craving tonight. I sautéed some sun dried tomato and basil chicken sausage with eggplant, mushrooms and red pepper flakes and then mixed it in with marinara sauce. I served it over pasta and some spinach. I heated a slice of gorgonzola foccacia on the side.

This cuteness is demanding my attention. I think we’re going to head to bed!
Is it a low-key or busy weekend for you?
Gorgonzola focaccia?! Yum, that sounds like the best bread ever. My weekend is going to be low-key too, and I don’t mind it at all. I need to catch up on sleep and do some cooking/baking for the week
I am very jealous of your weekend downtime! After a 16 mile run this morning I need to pack up and I am heading out of town for a concert. It will be fun, I know that, but I am definitely craving more of a low key and relaxing weekend. Enjoy your down time!
Glad to have found your blog and look forward to being a regular reader…. Love the link to those cookies. They will make a fun project to enjoy these last few weeks of summer. And your dog is precious! Too sweet!!! Happy Weekend….
Looks like an awesome WOD! I’m so jealous of your mile time! That is crazy fast! Amazing job!
We’re down at St. Simons this weekend and I’m making overnight oats for my family for breakfast!
my weekend will be spent working 40+ hours between 2 jobs. yay me!
I completely understand the long feeling week this week. Maybe there was something in the air? Lots of hot yoga and new recipes have helped me get through it. I was inspired by your mention of stuffed red peppers and made those last night (yum!!) and will be making Joy the Baker’s Banana-Walnut Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake later on today. It’s so the little things sometimes.
Low key for sure. I got all my running and workouts over, showered and now laying on the couch with the Olympics on the tv. I don’t see myself moving all day.
That looks like a fun workout!
Yum, that salad looks amazing, wish we had that place over here!
I’m working all weekend, I totally wish it would be low key though!
low key! i went away the past two weekends so i was looking forward to a break! can you post your recipe for overnight oats?