I promised you guys pictures of our recent bedroom redo. Furniture is something that we are slowly working to update in our new house (we just bought it last April). Unfortunately, most of our furniture is still mainly made up of college pieces and hand me downs from family. We decided that the bedroom was our first priority, followed by the living room.
We had a decent bedroom set but it was something my parents purchased for me when I went off to college. We decided to move it into the guest bedroom. I’ll show pictures of the guest room once we get a few last things finished in there.
So here is the new bedroom. We love it!

The West Elm bed was our first purchase for the room (followed by an Orvis bed for Sullie, of course). We went for a warm tan/dark brown color scheme blue accents.
The picture that you see on the wall above and below is from our honeymoon. It’s one of our favorites and makes us happy every time we see it! Brandon found a company, My Photo Pipe, that produces fabulous oversized, vivid prints at a reasonable price.

We like the look of floor to ceiling curtains so we hung them high. The dresser and night stands are from Ikea. The mirror above the dresser is from Home Goods.

We couldn’t find art that we liked for above our bed in our price range so Brandon made this piece while I was at my first weekend of yoga teacher training. He and his mom bought this fun paisley fabric and stretched it over a canvas frame. I give him total credit for pulling this room together. He is amazing.
What do you think? Our first completed room in our new house! Well, I would still like to get an area rug for the room but you get the idea.
I’ll share today’s eats in my post tomorrow night – nothing too exciting. The big news for the day is that I had a major ashtanga milestone this morning. I did a difficult back bend on my own.
Behold, the tick tock!!!
This looks BEAUTIFUL! So clean and modern and yet funky. This coming from a girl who doesn’t even have a headboard…!!
Wow Jen! That’s amazing! I’m always so intrigued by people in yoga who can do advanced moves like that. I know you’re not supposed to look at others, but I’m so intrigued, I just really want to watch them. And you’re bedroom looks great! Very Zen and earthy.
I love the bedroom redo! Super classy!
Congrats on the completed bedroom! and on the back bend too! Both are looking amazing
Super Cute! You guys did a great job and I’m sure you can tell how much I love Ikea
Congrats on one room done!
I’m so impressed by your tick tock! You have really inspired me to incorporate yoga into my marathon training. I used to go to yoga religiously in the past but somehow it got put by the wayside because of running. Reading how much you love and enjoy it really made me want to practice again. Thank you
By the way, the bedroom looks great!
Thanks Kristy! I am glad you are going to add yoga to marathon training. I think it has helped my running SO much and I love the way it makes me feel. I hope you enjoy adding it back to your routine!
Looks beautiful!! My sister in law is a big West Elm fan. If I could afford to shop at Pottery Barn and Restoration Hardware, I would.
Thanks Alaina. Yeah, I love those stores too but they are pricey. We splurged on the West Elm bed and then got the rest of the furniture from Ikea!
The bedroom re-do looks awesome…I love black furniture with color accents! We just finished our living room and now moving on to the bedroom…will definitely be checking out Ikea soon! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Brooke – so good to hear from you!!!
He made that?! So creative! Your room looks awesome
Thanks Jackie – yes my husband is the creative one in the house!
I LOVE the new room. It’s so chic and clean!
And I’m amazed by your yoga abilities. You’re such an inspiration
I love the room redo and your yoga video! There was a girl in class last week doing that move. I wondered how she wasn’t passing out. Funny thing is, I could do front and back walkovers when I was little which requires the ability to do the tick tock. Alas, my spine has since fused together into 1 inflexible mass. :-/
The room looks great! Can’t wait to see more of what you’re going to do with your house!
Oh my that is AMAZING Jen!! Well done!! Someday I really hope I’ll be half as good as you! I’ll keep practising and hopefully I’ll get there!
Your room looks fabulous! It’s great that your husband has an eye for design, too. It makes to room really have personality!
Haha…my husband is the only one with an eye for design in our relationship. I have no interest in it!
I LOVE it! What a gorgeous bedroom set. It’s very stylish and comfortable looking
Your bedroom looks amazing!!! Just beautiful!
And I hope one day to be as good with yoga as you are…truly amazing girl!
You are too sweet! Thank you so much!
You can do amazing things with your tiny body! That’s awesome and i love the “superstar” comment from your videographer
Do you have any suggestions for a yoga beginner who doesnt have classes offered anywhere nearby? Yoga Downloads maybe? I made your Island Pork Tenderloin for dinner and it was delicious! Thank you!
So happy you enjoyed the Island Pork Tenderloin. It’s one of our favorites! I’ve heard good things about yogadownload.com but I haven’t tried it. If your only option is practicing at home, I recommend starting out with videos so you can visually see what to do. Unfortunately, I’m not sure what to recommend. I need to do some research on this and try some videos because I get this question a lot! I know that I’m lucky to have good studios here and not everyone has that.
The room looks great! Love the tick tock!
Your room looks great! Good Job Brandon!
jen, your blog is so fun!
i must admit, i am getting a little hungry…
see you next weekend!