I am completely blown away by how many of my readers, friends and students have done the 1,000 rep home workout that I posted a few weeks ago. It’s been so cool to hear everyone’s experience with it, whether you made it through the whole thing or scaled. There’s definitely one common theme…a sore booty is a sure bet from all the squats and lunges!
Today I have another variation of the workout that I did on vacation that incorporates running cardio intervals and 500 reps instead of 1,000.
You’ll kick off each of the five rounds with a 400 meter run (that’s 0.25 miles) or about 2 minutes of running if you don’t have a treadmill or a GPS watch handy. The 400 meter run should be performed at a challenging pace to drive your heart rate up before the bodyweight exercises. There were a few questions last time about some of the exercises so I have included descriptions where necessary. Let me know if you have any other questions!
This workout took me around 20 minutes-ish to complete and left me a complete sweaty mess.
Enjoy and report back!
Will be trying this on Friday when I do my speed work!
love it!!! going to do this one soon
Looks like a great workout!
Loving this workout! Can’t wait to try it out!
Oh man I just did 5 rounds of the original workout this morning and it KILLED me! My heartrate was through the roof the whole time! I am slowly trying to work my way up to 10 rounds! This is such an amazing bodyweight workout. It was perfect for me this morning because I’m at a hotel with a “fitness centre” that just has cardio equipment and no weights!
Ha! I have totally been doing heel taps wrong in the 1000 rep workout XD This is much harder, can’t wait to do it properly! Love the 1000 rep workout btw, it’s a weekly staple.
Love this! Can’t wait to give it a try. You’re last workout was such a killer and that’s totally what I love!!
I can’t wait to give this a whirl! I was going to take spin tomorrow, but I might skip it and do this instead. Thanks Jen!
Looks like a burner – must try it soon!!
I did the 1000 rep workout 2 weeks ago. It is a good one! I might try this one tomorrow :-). Thanks for sharing these workouts with us!
This looks tough! I am not a runner, but can appreciate a tough and challenging workout when I see one!
Pinned for post baby! Looks like a great one
on tap for this afternoon! hoping to survive it without dying on the floor at LA Fitness!
I just LOVE this workout! Well, I kind of ‘hate’ it– much easier to just go run six miles– but that’s what I love about it. It’s tough!! I really appreciate the circuit workouts you post on line as I’m trying really hard to do things other than running so thank you, thank you!! (Those lunges at the end… killer for me. Love them!)
Doing this tonight! Did the Christmas Cookie Crusher workout last night and loved it.