Hi everyone. Thank you for your thoughtful (and kind) responses to my last post. I wanted to check in via video today so you could have a chance to see me smiling! I received TONS of great questions on Facebook and Twitter. I wasn’t able to answer them all but many will become a full written post because the topic suggestions are so good! So thank you!
Here’s what’s covered in today’s video blog…
– How to get out of a workout rut (and determining whether it’s because you need to take a break or need a new challenge)
– Do you have to eat Paleo to CrossFit?
– Supplements and CrossFit
– Trying CrossFit for the first time
– Working out when injured
– Establishing an ashtanga home practice
Enjoy! And try not to go blind from my orange! 😉
A few photos to share from today…

I had my very first peach of the season with breakfast this morning, which was Greek yogurt, granola, this peach and peanut butter. The peach was juicy but not super flavorful or sweet. Luckily there are many more to come!

Lunch was a big salad with mixed greens, spinach, arugula, pine nuts, asparagus, feta, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, artichokes, a sprinkle of bacon and egg with balsamic dressing.

We just started carrying Rickland Orchards Greek Yogurt Bars at Metro and I had one as my afternoon snack. They are pretty good averaging about 160 calories, 7-10 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber and only between 8-12 grams of sugar.
Yoga time!
Very informative video! Great smile, Jen! Astanga is calling my name…I practice regularly a vinyasa flow, am in yoga teacher training but Astanga sounds interesting. It may help my meditation…
Enjoyed your video today! Hope you have a great night!
Never commented but wanted to say that I loved your post yesterday- I think it’s a really important message and reminder. You look beautiful in the video! I need to get to Lulu for some orange!
Question for a future video post- what cardio workouts do you recommend if you only have access to gym equipment? I’m normally a runner but am living in a big city right now and find it difficult. I used to be a big elliptical-er but now I find that not challenging enough, and I find running on the treadmill monotonous and hard on my knees. Lately I’ve been doing intervals on the treadmill with sprints and incline walking. I’d love to know your thoughts on treadmill workouts/ incline intervals or whatever cardio is most effective in the gym!
Thank you so much for answering my question! That was so helpful. I’ve found podcasts and videos and have slowly been working on the Ashtanga Primary Series at home (I’ve taken a couple Ashtanga classes in the past, and many yoga classes) but your idea of memorizing the Primary Series off the mat really clicked for me and I think will be so helpful! I’ll definitely check out Kino Macgregor’s videos too, thanks!
I am interested in Ashtanga, specifically, because it is the same series every time – not having to decide what kind of practice I will do is so appealing and something that I think will help me get on the mat more often. Thank you!
Thank you for the great answer! Your suggestions were exactly what I’ve been thinking about but not acting on. You sparked the motivation I needed!
Very beneficial and informative video post!
I have never done yoga in a yoga studio here in Atlanta, but once in a blue moon when am achy, I will pop in my P90X Yoga DVD – and it is amazing how loose it makes me feel. Unfortunately, I have a like/dislike relationship with yoga – I dislike doing it and I like not doing it – inspite of its benefits, I find my mind wondering.
Is pilates a good yoga substitute?
This actually really helps…. I found a Crossfit box that is pretty easy to get to and am considering signing up for one month to see if I like it. I think the main reason I feel so intimidated by it is because I feel that I need to be really really fit before signing up. Which is not the case, but that’s how my mind works! 🙂 I am going to do it though!
I love the idea of having the Ashtanga Primary Series sheet to look at so I can practice outside and eventually memorize. Is there a cheat sheet that you recommend?