Happy Friday! Happy Friday! Wait, let me say it again…happy Friday! Thank you so much for the amazing feedback on yesterday’s post. I’ve said it so many times but I feel so grateful to have this space where we can all share and contribute. Your feedback and openness touches my heart. Seriously.
It has been a LONG week and I am so happy to welcome the weekend. Let me give you a quick look at what I’ve been eating lately and then I put together a little video post for you today answering some reader questions. All photos courtesy of my iPhone because I haven’t had my DSLR with me for the past few days.

Dinner last night was chicken stuffed with goat cheese, arugula and tomatoes with kale chips and roasted potatoes.

Breakfast the past few mornings has been plain yogurt, banana, granola and a blob of peanut butter shoveled down between clients and classes.

Lunch the past few days has been a salad from Reid’s, the market across the street from the gym. Loved today’s salad with arugula, red peppers, olives, cucumbers, tomatoes, pecans, craisins, feta and salmon.

I was crazy excited to get a text from Brittney today telling me she would be downstairs at the coffee shop and asking if I wanted to meet baby Allie. Getting to catch up with her and hold a precious two month old baby was the highlight of my day.
And now for the video post.
Here’s what I cover:
– Early morning workout nutrition
– Is yoga good for runners?
– Tips for packing a gym bag
– Green smoothies
– CrossFit workout recovery
And Sullie makes a guest appearance!
Have a great weekend!
Thank you for being awesome! Reading your posts are a highlight of my days and weeks. I really appreciate the motivation, inspiration, knowledge, recipes (always delicious!), and insights I get from you. I hope you have a great weekend too!
johanna – thank you so much. that brings a smile to my face! i’m so happy to hear that you enjoy my blog AND that it’s useful for you!
Thank you for answering my question about CrossFit recovery, Jen! I have recently made the decision to only CrossFit three days a week going forward. My body just can’t handle any more than that, and it’s good to hear that that is the case for you as well. And you’re right, I have to start foam rolling and stretching right after my workout. I always push it off, and then never do it. I think that’s playing a huge role in my poor recovery. Great point about the triangle too!
you are so welcome – just sorry it took me so long!
i think you made the right decision for your body. i know it’s hard to keep the discipline to do the foam rolling and stretching but it pays off.
Love the Sullie guest appearance!
More video !!!
Loved it
You accent is adorable.
I love your Q&A video posts, Jen! I have an additional tip for packing a gym bag: Write a list of everything you need on a notecard and keep it in a pocket in your gym bag. I even make several lists to fit various workout situations that I commonly encounter, such as “going to work straight after Body Pump” or “taking Pilates right after cycling class.” This has saved me sooooo much time and frustration!
love that tip paige! thanks!
I love watching your videos! Has anyone ever told you that you kind of look like Hilary Swank? I watched PS I Love You last night and just made the connection!
Have a great weekend and thanks for the tips.
no! i haven’t heard that one before but i love that movie!
Totally agree with you! I would never tell one of my clients that yoga is bad for runners! Quite the opposite actually!
Aww, Sullie!
I thought that I recognized Allie even before I read that it was her in the photo. She’s such a cutie, and of course, Brittney is awesome.
Great video! Loved the guest appearance from Sullie – such a cutie!!!
I completely find that yoga helps my running, otherwise I am so tight and less fluid in my stride.
I have actually been going back and forth as to whether yoga is helping my running, since I have drastically increased my mileage. I do need to spend a lot more time though on stretching after my runs and probably invest in a foam roller as much as I am trying to ignore it like the plague. Have a beautiful weekend!
i questioned it too but then i took a long break from yoga and dear god…my legs haven’t been so tight in years. they were literally burning from tightness on all my runs. a couple of weeks back to yoga and i’m finally starting to feel a little better. crazy!
I love when bloggers mix things up and make a vlog. There was some great general advice that I think a lot of us wonder about. And I love your top! So cute and spring-y.
glad you enjoyed it and i’m loving the spring lulu colors! nice to get away from black workout clothes all the time.