No baby! Just a “day in the life” kind of post this evening to check-in with you guys.
I slept eight hours last night. That was magical. Granted, I did get up no fewer than five times to go to the bathroom but I was able to fall back asleep quickly. It was a miracle that I was able to sleep so well because the baby was going absolutely crazy in my belly while I was hanging out on the couch last night. It was to the point where it was taking my breath away and I was not feeling great. I chatted with my doula today and she said he was probably changing positions.
Let’s pray that he was changing into a “ready to come into this world” position!

It was rainy when I woke up so I decided to go for a bowl of oatmeal. Here’s the recipe I followed. Topped it off with Wild Friends Peanut Cashew Super Butter, which is so good.
I spent the morning in front of the computer working on things for the studio before showering and going to an acupuncture appointment. My regular acupuncturist couldn’t fit me in but he recommended someone else that was able to accommodate me last minute and she was great.
Well, as great as an acupuncture induction session could be. I typically find acupuncture to be very relaxing but that was not exactly the case with the induction session. Usually I don’t really feel the needles going in or coming out but she warned me that she was going to twist them. It was a little intense in some areas!
I did get to relax and nap a bit while the needles were in. It was just the going in and coming out that was uncomfortable!

I thought I earned a trip to Sunflour after that. I grabbed a carrot cake cupcake and a cranberry orange muffin. I stuck the muffin in the freezer to enjoy later.

The next stop was picking up my nuggets from the groomer. They spent the morning at The Dog Salon where they got summer cuts. I don’t believe in shaving goldens but my girls definitely needed a heavy trim.

Here’s a side view of Zoey. She was looking like quite the lion before her haircut.

And a front view of both. The bandanas kill me! So freaking sweet. They are READY to meet their baby brother. (Haha, they actually have no idea the bomb that is about to be dropped on their lives…I’m a little emotional about it.)

I wanted a light lunch so I had some tortilla chips and hummus and a salad with arugula, avocado, feta, tomatoes, radishes, olives, cucumbers and pistachios. I dressed it with lemon juice, olive oil, balsamic and sea salt.

This afternoon I had a visitor! LOOK WHO’S IN TOWN! My friend Lina moved to Brussels, Belgium about a year and a half ago and this is her first trip back to Charlotte. Lina and I met seven years ago when we did teacher training together and have stayed close friends ever since. I haven’t seen her in almost a year! We traveled to Europe for a week last summer to visit her.

She has her 3.5 year old son with her and he’s so cute! He built a fort with pillows and blankets while we chatted.
He was quite the fan of my belly and kept telling the baby it was time to come out. I hope baby listens!
The most exciting news that I have to share is that my mom is coming for the birth! We were chatting on the phone last night and decided to book a last-minute flight for her to be here. I think we’ll both feel better this way. <3 She arrives Thursday afternoon and will stay until Tuesday. And then she’ll drive to Charlotte in a few weeks to help for a while.
It was much easier to time a trip for her to be here since we now know 100% that baby will be here this weekend. I’m grateful we could work it out.
Oh, I also decided that I’m through with teaching this pregnancy. I taught a class Tuesday morning and then took a class Tuesday night…and deemed myself DONE. I should be teaching as I type this post. It feels a little weird but also really right. My mind is all over the place waiting for this baby and I just don’t feel like I have a lot to give my students at this point. It was a great distraction for a while but now that the end date is days away, I need to hunker down and be home with my girls and around my friends.
I want to go for a walk but it’s raining and thundering so that might not happen tonight.
I hope you’ve had a wonderful day.
Wait, are you not supposed to shave Golden’s? I shave mine every summer… am I missing something?!?
Hi Jen! I comment from time to time but just wanted to pop in to encourage you about your possible induction. I had one, by choice, for my second child after an unfavorable labor with my first.
Inductions can be a very valuable opportunity for some moms. You can experience a vaginal birth with a little kick start and that doesn’t mean your body has failed you. And you can do it without pain meds if you so choose.
Hang in there. And feel free to message me if you have questions. I did the Foley bulb and pitocin so I can tell you what that’s all like.
Your dogs are so beautiful! Thinking of you this week. I hope labor goes smoothly. Cannot wait to see photos of your sweet son!
I also had an induction with my son, and it was awesome! It was so relaxing to get to the hospital without being in painful labor, and I ended up getting an epidural several hours in – not because I was uncomfortable, but because they wanted to break my water, so recommended getting it beforehand. Good thing, too, because it relaxed me so much, I took a three hour nap and woke up read y to push! It was so scary for me to not know how my son would come into the world, and have so little control of it, but once I remembered that whatever happened would become part of his story!
How wonderful your mom will be there!! I think she will help create even more and peace!
I felt SUPER uncomfortable the day before I went into labor with my son. He’s a week old now and his puppy brother and sister could not be more sweet and protective! I’m sure your beautiful girls will do great! Good luck! Glad your mom is coming. Mine is here now and it has been wonderful!!
Fingers crossed that baby boy comes any time now for you <3
It is amazing that you have taught this long! I totally get your feeling of being done. I taught full time middle school both pregnancies until I hit 41 weeks and it was not easy. Both times I had to email administration to tell them I was done… actually had to force myself to not say “I am f-ing done!” I agree, for awhile it was a welcome distraction and I actually fell less swollen and uncomfortable being on my feet most of the day (swelling would worsen on the weekends), but as you say, when you are done, you are done! It also made me realize the importance of advocating for myself. No one was going to offer or suggest to me to stay home. If I hadn’t said anything, I probably would have taught right up until it was time to go to the hospital. This became more important after having the baby- to speak up when I needed something and not be afraid to say what I needed. I need a nap, I need a break, I need you to pick up dinner, I need you to help me keep my water glass full… whatever it was I needed the importance of communicating and advocating for myself was never more apparent! Thinking of you and admiring your positive attitude as I know these past due days are not the easiest!
Happy Friday Jen! After I sat in meditation and then moved on my mat from Panama City Beach, Fl., I knew I had to send you a quick email and tell you that I am thinking about you as you welcome Baby Boy into this world this weekend. I am a LONG time reader and even tho I am 62 I’ve enjoyed your pregnancy updates!!! What I love most about your blog is your courage to be vulnerable. I sense who you really are when I read your blog. I am wishing you all the best and a healthy and happy delivery. Namaste
All the best for this weekend Jen, you are in my thoughts xx