Hi and big thanks for your Portland recommendations! I knew I could count on you guys to steer me in the right direction. My current plan is to take in as much of the outdoors and donuts as possible. I’ve received very opinionated recommendations for both Voodoo donuts and Blue Star so obviously I need to visit both for comparison!
We had a super low-key weekend which was needed before a packed week and weekend coming up followed by a week of travel.

On Friday afternoon I stuffed my belly full of this kale, quinoa, beet and pear salad before my Queens University photo shoot. Kale salad + going upside down = not the best combo but I couldn’t go hungry. I am not a meal skipper!

We laid low on Friday night and started the third Harry Potter movie. I took the girls for a twilight walk and then we ordered Thai Orchid via Postmates (you can use my affiliate code EZ8IN for a $10 delivery credit on your first order).

My plate. We ordered dumplings, a red chicken curry and a duck/cashew/mushroom stir fry.

My day started with bread baking. I baked four loaves of sourdough. Two to take to a friend and two to slice and store in the freezer. After a few rounds of rather flat and sad loaves (I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what was up!), this batch turned out SO well! The sourdough gods are on my side again. Bread baking is definitely something you have to be patient (and precise) with and sometimes throw your hands up in frustration. So much goes into the process from the weather outside to the flour and water you use and much more.
Here’s a link to my tutorial if you’re interested in trying it out for yourself!

I had the yogurt, granola and fig bowl that I’m loving now while I was baking.

Next on the Saturday agenda was teaching yoga and eating lunch at Namastay with Tanner where, as usual, I had a salad with a beet burger on top.

I spent the next hour or so re-organizing our retail area and merchandising an awesome new ALO order that we got in. As we were leaving the studio Tanner mentioned that he was in the mood for something sweet so I suggested a trip to Amelie’s. Tanner had the vanilla strawberry cake and I had a pumpkin cream cheese danish because I wanted something not so crazy sweet.

Back at home, I was super lazy for a couple of hours and then finally motivated myself to go out for a run. I had a loose goal of 10 miles since last week’s 8ish felt so good. Unfortunately, I took a little tumble around mile 3 and tripped on a sidewalk. I skinned my left thigh, right knee and right palm but after a little evaluation, I found it just to be a little bleeding but nothing felt “off.” I wiped off the blood on my shorts (nice) and decided to keep going for a bit.

I called it a wrap around 8 miles because my palm and knee were stinging and it got dark. Still super pleased with getting these miles in and they felt good.

Leftovers on the couch while we finished Harry Potter.

Late night snack a couple of hours later when we finished Harry and started Scandal season six! I guess my run reved up my appetite!.

I woke up around 8 but lounged in bed until about 9:30 just catching up on things on my phone and being lazy. It was great. I was also very sore from my fall! I made us a brunch spread of toast, broiled grapefruit with brown sugar, grapes, a pumpkin date muffin, scrambled eggs and bacon.
The rest of my day looked like dog walking, blog writing, yoga teaching and taking and grocery shopping.
Have you ever baked bread? If so, what’s your favorite type of bread to bake?
Tell me about your weekend! Busy or low-key? Best thing about it?
Have you ever taken a spill when running? Does anyone else find sidewalks impossible to run on or is that just me!?
I bake honey wheat! 2 loaves a week for my family. I’ve been doing it for 5 years, with a short 5 month break when I was pregnant with my 3rd and lacking motivation. Now I’m back to it! Your sourdough always looks delicious!
I hadn’t fallen while running in a long time, but last month I took a tumble on my morning run while it was still dark out. I knew that I’d skinned my knee but it didn’t hurt so I kept going. It wasn’t until I got home that I finally looked down and saw that there was blood dripping down my leg. Oh well, it was a great run anyway.
I have a TERRIBLE track record of falling while running! I’m flat-footed and don’t pick up my feet enough, evidently. Last time it happened, a lovely German couple jogging behind me saw me go down and insisted on walking me home. I smashed my phone screen and ended up having to go to the ER to get my knee stitched up…but my love for running wasn’t affected one bit
VooDoo donuts can get insanely crowded. If you’re there on Saturday you MUST go to the farmers market near Portland State downtown. It’s unreal. I love Dragonfly Cafe in NW portland too! And the Japanese garden/Rose garden can’t be missed.
You inspired me to try making my own sourdough last year. In November, I got my starter going and fed it religiously until it was bubbly and sour smelling. On Christmas Eve, I found a recipe online and tackled it ( this was before you posted your method). They rose nicely overnight, however when I baked them they were flat and hard??. I haven’t tried again!! I hate the thought of going through all the work and then failing! I’ve never been great and cooking things that require precision– like rising bread, egg whites etc.
I have fallen quite a few times! The worst was 15 miles into a 22-mile run, I tripped and fell so fast that I didn’t even have time to put my hands down. I hit my chin and cheek really bad! Luckily nothing was seriously injured (except for my pride of course), so I finished the run but looked like I’d gotten into a fight for a couple of days afterwards.
I haven’t baked bread in a long time, but I have your sourdough tutorial bookmarked, so I plan on trying it soon!
Would you mind sharing the fitness watch that you use? I need a new in every bad a SN looking for something that is accurate in its calculation. Thank you much!!!
oh my gosh, girl!! that bread looks amazingggggg!!!! xoxo