Happy Sunday.
After two days of Hurricane Matthew’s rain and wind, I woke up to the most beautiful blue skies and crisp temperatures. As soon as I finish this post, I’m going to take my girls for a long walk to soak up the sunshine.
I just put together our meal plan for the week. Here’s what that’s looking like.

Meal Plan – Week of 10/9/16
Mexican quinoa stuffed peppers with a side salad (recipe this week!)
Slow cooker white chicken chili
Butternut cauliflower coconut curry with cilantro lime couscous
Herbs de Provence chicken and orzo with broccoli (recipe soon, old favorite!)
Fish (whatever looks good when I go to the market that day) with veg and side
Leftovers or something easy. Pre-race dinner before running a half Saturday morning.
Workouts – Week of 10/2/16
After I finished my long run yesterday my RunKeeper app informed me that I had run 31 miles in the last week to which I thought, “wow…and I feel pretty good.” Since I did last week’s long run on Sunday and this week’s on Saturday, I accumulated a good bit of mileage in 7 days! What I didn’t do a great job on was getting 2-3 strength training sessions in but I’ll try again next week.
Hot yoga
4.3 mile run at 8:40 pace
5.1 miles at 9:12 pace
1 mile treadmill run
3 rounds:
20 resistance band side shuffles
10 kettlebell squat/air squat combos (two 35# kbs)
20 calf raises
3 rounds:
20 resistance band side shuffles
10 kettlebell deadlifts (one 50# kb)
20 calf raises
3 rounds:
10 bench press (75#)
5 strict pull ups
30 jump lunges
3 rounds:
10 chest flies (20#)
10 TRX seated rows
10 straight bar bicep curls (30#)
10 straight bar triceps extensions (30#)
10 straight bar strict overhead press (30#)
This workout didn’t seem so bad but then I sat down to eat breakfast immediately after and my arms were shaking!
Hot yoga + 11 mile long run

This long run featured 2 running partners, 2 running routes, 2 weather conditions, 2 pairs of shoes and 2 outfit changes!
I was supposed to do my long run on Saturday morning but I woke up to no power and rain pouring down outside. I decided to go to the studio, where the power was on, for yoga instead. Later that afternoon my friend texted to see if I was game for running around 5:30 p.m. I decided it would be better to go ahead and knock out my long run so I agreed. I leashed up Zoey and headed out for 5 miles before meeting her for another 6. I got to experience the tail end of Matthew during the first 5 and Zoey and I arrived home SOAKED from head to toe. (In addition to the rain, a car absolutely crushed me with a wave of water while running down the sidewalk…we’re talking street water in my mouth and drenching me…it was lovely).
I dropped off Zoey, changed into dry clothes (and shoes!) and then met my friend for 6 more, finishing up at 11.2 miles. Luckily, the rain cleared out for the second half of the run and it was overcast, breezy and cool. Really perfect running weather. This was an awesome long run overall and my body felt 100% great during it…although I crashed hardcore after. I thought I might want to go out for dinner but once I hit the couch, there was no getting up. We did takeout and a movie instead.
Here are the splits from Saturday’s long run…pace felt good and didn’t require too much effort.
Mile 1: 9:02
Mile 2: 8:52
Mile 3: 9:05
Mile 4: 8:47
Mile 5: 8:41
Mile 6: 8:47
Mile 7: 8:57
Mile 8: 8:42
Mile 9: 9:00
Mile 10: 8:42
Mile 11: 8:52
Last .2: 8:23
Goal for longer marathon “test” long runs is to slow down the pace to the 9:15-9:30 zone. Although I predict that will be hard next week because I’m running the Rocktoberfest Half Marathon as my long run.
So after covering 31 miles in the last 7 days, I was excited to wake up this morning feeling pretty good. I’m a little stiff but not overly sore and nothing is hurting. I even feel like I could run again today (which I’m not…taking a rest day and walking the dogs). I won’t run again until Tuesday since I’m doing the run 3 days a week thing and trying to take 2 full days of recovery after long runs.
Time for that walk with the pups. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Tell me about your long run or if you raced this weekend.
What’s on your meal plan for the week?
Favorite chili recipe?
I’m glad you’re safe after the hurricane. I would have been mad over the water splashed everywhere, but some people are just rude.
I love white bean chili, but this year we are going to experiment with ghost peppers we grew in our garden.
I ran in a half marathon in Boston this morning. It poured with rain from start to finish and temps were in the 50s. It took me a while to dry out and warm up afterwards! I recovered with a cheeseburger for lunch. Hard-earned and so tasty! Have a good week!
It was kind of a yucky weekend, glad the sun is back out! Hope your long run test goes well. Very excited for you and your new marathon endeavors!
Fall weather has finally come to Texas, so my 14 miles on Saturday felt great! Nice cool temps and I had a great time chatting with my group. I had to scramble to get my dog to the vet in time for her check-up, so I didn’t stretch well afterwards and MAN was I sore starting later in the afternoon. Sunday I did 6.5 trail miles, again the cool temps felt great and I just love the change of scenery on trails!
I made some tortilla stew yesterday that I plan on eating most of the week for lunch. I’m going to try a new-to-me recipe for green rice/black bean/roasted sweet potato bowls. Pizza is also on the menu.
Last year I made your butternut squash chili and it was great! I was just thinking about fall recipes and that I should make it again soon. My husband is sad that since I have given up meat, I haven’t made him his favorite turkey chili. I keep telling him it’s super easy, he can make it himself!
You inspired me to buy the ingredients for the Butternut Cauliflower Coconut curry, which I’m making tonight and will have leftovers for lunch this week. Leftover curry = THE BEST!
How was it because I failed on making it!