Hey, hey! Time for the weekly workout round up. As I mentioned in my Half Marathon Hunger post, this was the halfway point “rest week” in my half marathon training plan. I have spent the last 5 weeks building intensity and will spend the next 5 weeks continuing to increase intensity until race day but this week was all about easy runs. No speed work and no long runs. And did I ever need it! It was a great mental and physical break just to get out there and run and I’m already itching to get back to it next week.
At the halfway point of training I am feeling really good. Some highlights include…
– No injuries, no aches, no pains. Whatsoever. This is revolutionary for me.
– My “easy run” pace has increased a full minute from when I started the training plan. I usually found myself running around a 9-9:30 pace and now 8:30ish seems to be the default, even when I feel like I’m running slow. Very cool to see my body getting faster.
– Long run recovery is getting easier and easier every week.
– I’m REALLY enjoying the speed and tempo work for a new challenge.
I say it every week but I am so grateful to be running like this. And now here’s a break down of how the week’s workouts shook out…
4 mile run at 8:10 + CrossFit
9-1 (9 reps of each, 8 reps of each…down to 1)
Power Cleans (65#)
Handstand Push Ups
Finished in 6:38. I finished this workout too quickly. I should have taken the heavier option on the cleans and challenged myself more on the HSPU. Here’s a video of handstand push ups. You literally do an upside down push up.
It’s handstand push up day! @metrofitnessclt #wod #crossfit #handstand #handstandpushups
Due to how much I handstand in yoga, I’m fairly good at handstand push ups. I need to take the plunge and get rid of the ab mat under my head and go all the way to the floor!
Since I finished the workout so quickly and still had gas in the tank I decided to get my squats in. I did 5 rounds of 15 barbell squats (5 front, 10 back) at 65# and 15 GHD sit ups.
3 mile run at 8:56

This is the hardest CrossFit workout I have done in a while. It took me 28 minutes to finish. The double unders are what really slowed me down. It took me about 6 minutes to finish all 200 of them. And the 30# dumbbell snatches were heavy. I grunted my way through each one and had to really focus on the pull with my elbow and opening my hips. I was proud of myself for finishing this one RX. My calf muscles are STILL sore from all those double unders and box jumps! (And it’s Sunday!)
5 mile run at 8:27

I met one of my running partners for an easy run. It was a beautiful day for a run…in the 60s, low humidity and sunshine…but we were both feeling a little sluggish. We still managed to hammer out 5 at an 8:27 pace.
My body was done and done by Friday after a tough week of workouts. I tried to get some strength work in but laid down on the floor in the gym instead after training 4 clients in a row Friday AM! 🙂
Self-led yoga practice
I am having a hard time fitting yoga in as of late. Every day this week I told myself I was going to make it to class but I just got too busy. The only workout my body was craving on Saturday was yoga, yoga, yoga. I rolled my mat out by the pool and spent about 75 minutes taking myself through a power flow class. 99% of the time when I self-practice I do ashtanga but Saturday I just wanted to do whatever felt good. It’s funny…I teach around 10 classes per week but never get to “take” my class. This was kind of like taking my own class…I practiced exactly like I would have taught a class start to finish. I sweated buckets and felt amazing after.
5 mile run at 8:28
There are pluses and minuses to running at the beach. On the plus side, it’s flat and there’s often a breeze. On the minus side, it’s humid and when you’re not running into the wind it’s like running into a wall of heat and humidity. So I ran into the breeze for my first 2.5 miles and when I turned to come back it was brutal. No breeze and blazing sun. Regardless, the run was a great way to start the day.
Weekly round up…
1 yoga practice
2 strength sessions
4 running days (17 miles)
1 rest day
Tell me about your week of workouts? Where are you feeling strong? What is challenging for you right now? If you’re training for a race, how’s it going?
I LOVE when I run slow and think about how my slow pace today was once my fast pace! Seeing your own progress is amazing. And seeing how my long runs barely leave a lingering stiffness or soreness whereas they used to leave me unable to walk well the next morning is a terrific feeling. I have the Runner’s World Hat Trick coming up next weekend so now it’s time for me to take it easy.
I’m 5 weeks out from my half marathon too and I’m trying to balance crossfit workouts with runs so my legs aren’t too wiped out! My slow pace also used to be around 9-930 and now it’s around 8:45 which is really exciting!
I just received a running GPS watch as a gift this past week. While I have been hinting at my wanting one for a while, I realize how much it’s going to change my running. It definitely keeps me honest! I never realized how inconsistent I can be with my pace, as 7 minute miles and 9:30 both apparently feel like easy to me! Time to learn to get that under control.
Seeing your progress is really inspiring! I am not training for a race right now, instead in a period of running just for the joy of running. I’ve been trying to listen to my body and do the workouts that it “needs” rather than my plan.
I’m 5 weeks out from my marathon and overall feeling good! We hit 18 miles this past weekend…just a little bit more work on my physical endurance and mental game, and I’ll be ready! I admire the balance you have between running / strength training / yoga. This time around, I’ve been trying to do some yoga in between and really love it! That, plus water running, has been helping me avoid over-use injuries so far 🙂
So happy that your runs are going well and you are injury free…It is great that you are enjoying the training plan…Next 1/2 marathon I need to focus on the speed work more. I kind of loathe them, but would be intrigued to see if it makes a difference. Happy Monday!