Hi friends! I hope your week is off to a solid start. I know this time of year tends to be a lot so no matter where you fall on the scale between merry merry and bah humbug – I see you.

My week started out with my best sourdough bake in many months. Sometimes it feels like there’s no rhyme or reason to loaves turning out well but I had very happy starter and very happy dough for this one. Note, my starter had been VERY neglected in the fridge. I started with just 50 grams of starter, 50 water and 50 flour and built from there. I fed the starter 50 grams of water and flour twice a day for about 4-5 days and then baked.

The rest of Monday looked like teaching yoga (a sold out class with amazing energy at 10:45a on a Monday – yesssss), a meeting with my business partner about the app, training clients and a holiday garage pajama karaoke party. Here I am leaving the gym Monday night in my pajamas holding a bottle of wine.

The party was hosted by my amazing photographer friend, Wanda. Those of you that have been here for the long haul likely remember her. She did the photography for both of my books, has traveled with me to shoot yoga workshops and has done the photography for my teacher training manuals. Not only is Wanda a talented and passionate photographer, she’s an incredibly thoughtful friend and has superpowers in connecting people. I was so honored to be invited to this gathering.
Noteworthy is Wanda’s truly legendary karaoke song choice – Snake Farm by Ray Wylie Hubbard had us all rolling laughing.

Wanda had the coziest setup for this intimate karaoke party. I have now been to two karaoke parties in the last few months and I’m definitely a fan. We had a great time. I sang Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas” with Dorie and Rihanna’s “We Found Love” with my friend Sarah.

We’re planning to do it again with a Valentine’s Day theme!

I was up and at the gym at 7a to kick off a morning of training clients. I had a break after my first client so got my own workout in. I don’t jump super regularly in my workouts these days and I especially don’t do so with weight so weighted jump lunges and squats crushed me in the best way.
I had three more clients after my workout and then zipped over to Trader Joe’s to pick up a few things. I was really hoping to find a holiday candle of theirs that I love but sadly couldn’t find it. I had no problem filling my cart with other things…

Here’s the produce line up:
- Romaine
- Brussels
- Avocados
- Lucy Rose apples
- Cruciferous crunch
- Harvest apple salad kit
- Mandarin oranges
- Unpictured mushrooms

- Eggs (these are for holiday baking – I try and do local/farm eggs for eating)
- Pork tenderloin
- Plain greek yogurt
- Oven roasted turkey breast slices
- Frozen butter chicken
- Frozen multigrain blend with vegetables
- Salmon
- Burrata, prosciutto and arugula flat bread (my fave of their frozen pizza/flatbreads)
- Frozen gluten-free chicken nuggets – they were out of stock last time I was there so I got two bags. These are my FAVORITE frozen chicken nuggets and I don’t even care about gluten-free. So good.
- Colby-jack cheese
- Sweet Italian chicken sausage
- Unsalted butter (for baking)

- Kitchari
- Yellow tadka dal (love these pouches for super fast heat up lunches served with naan)
- Lightly smoked salmon (best canned salmon ever)
- Plantain chips
- Ginger tea
- Soyaki sauce (my #1 fave marinade to keep on hand for all the things – used on salmon tonight and splashed a little into the sautéed cruciferous crunch)
- Breakfast blend whole bean coffee
- Salted creamy almond butter
- Garbanzo beans
- Diced tomatoes
- Hand and body cream
- Goddess dressing (LOVE!)
- Sesame dressing
- Spaghetti noodles
Once I got home from Trader Joe’s, I got the groceries photographed and put up and then made lunch. I spent the rest of the afternoon tackling laundry and computer work until I left to go teach yoga at 5:45p.
Watching the Holiday Baking Championship as I type this and ready for bed! I’ll be back at the gym bright and early for at 6:30a client tomorrow!
Current Trader Joe’s faves?
What are your thoughts on karaoke?
Do you have any fun/different/themed holiday parties this season?
No fun holiday parties here but love a TJ’s haul. I need to go to Trader Joe’s asap to look for the pink poinsettias I’ve seen on instagram and my fav, truffle hot sauce, which I hear is back. Merry Christmas!
Love TJ’s! Currently digging their chimichurri sauce on almost everything. You also turned me onto their kitchari. Feels so good this time of year to have a hot and nutritious meal at the ready. Happy Holidays and thanks for sharing