Hi everyone! Time for another “what I bought at the grocery” round-up. This week was unique because it was Whole Foods only with no farmers market supplementation. I didn’t get to go on Saturday because of the cooking competition so I made one big trip on Sunday. We were scraping the bottom of the barrel and this grocery purchase got us restocked and through the week with no additional trips! Win.

Let’s start with the fruits and veggies. On the fruit front…
– Bananas (two bunches…we go through like 15 bananas a week over here!)
– Apples
– Avocados
– Raspberries
– Frozen cherries
– Frozen acai (Which is stupid expensive…$7 for 4 packets. Someone told me to get it at Costco but I haven’t seen it at my local store.)

Veggies. I always try to stock us well because we go through so much of it every week with me cooking at home almost every night.
– Baby spinach (I go through a container this big + some most weeks between salads, smoothies and juicing)
– Baby portobello mushrooms
– Acorn squash (first “fall food” purchase of the year!)
– Lacinto kale
– Carrots
– Cucumbers
– Zucchini
– Purple top turnips
– Sweet potatoes

– Ground turkey
– Tempeh (a wild hair…I haven’t bought any of this since my early “healthy living blog” days when it was all the rage. Anyone else remember that phenomenon?)
– Tofu
– Applegate lemon rosemary deli turkey
– Eggs
– Chicken breasts
– Wild salmon

– Mammoth cheddar (my fave cheddar at WF!)
– Lemon hummus
– Another yummy cheese
– A huge bag of chips and an unpictured bag of pita chips. We are almost through both bags already!

Pantry items…
– Black beans
– Balsamic
– Chicken broth
– Couscous
– Tuna
This week’s groceries were $137 but I’ve eaten all three meals at home every day this week and we still have more to go so I consider that a win! I am a HUGE fan of trying to do one shopping trip a week when possible. I save so much money this way.
I’ll do a recent eats post soon but here are some of the things I’ve been eating from this grocery trip:
– Oatmeal
– Green smoothies and acai bowls
– Salads
– Turkey and avocado wraps
– Pita chips and hummus
– Mexican quinoa
– Salmon baked in parchment with a side salad
– Grilled cheese and fried egg sandwiches
– Thai turkey burgers in kale wraps with roasted sweet potatoes and turnips
One shopping trip or several?
How much do you spend on an average week to feed you, you and your significant other or your family?
Tempeh…yes or no? I’m really wondering if I’m still going to like it or if I was just sucked into the vortex of its popularity years ago. Haha.
Have a great evening!
I try so hard for one big shop but it rarely works! Trader joes is always out of something which sends me running around to the stores. It’s so annoying! I have to get back to whole foods for the Japanese sweet potatoes. So good!
It’s hard! Some weeks it works better than others.
Once a week! I always go super early after yoga on Mondays (when no one is at the store) at take my time
Everything is nicely stocked too!
Sounds perfect! I normally go on the weekends when it’s a little crazy.
It really depends on what our plans are for the week. We live right across the street from a Ralphs (Same as Kroger), and they either don’t have something or have it at a stupid price. There are also things I specifically only get at Trader Joe’s so that’s a separate trip. Most often we do a big trip on Sat/Sun and I’ll go once again during the week to pick up extras. $137/week for 2 people sounds like a lot to me, we’re usually around $70-80, but we also eat out a lot throughout the week and 2-3x Friday – Sunday. I also live in Los Angeles where a lot of times things are more expensive
Corn on the cob for example will go to 33 cents/ear at the lowest, while my family in PA thinks that’s ridiculously overpriced!
I love tempeh! You just have to cook it right- it has a bitterness unless you steam it/braise it first. In addition to the old tempeh bacon standby, I’ve been making a lot of bbq tempeh lately and just the other day made a veg caldo verde with braised tempeh “sausage”. Yum!
Sounds delicious!
I wish that I had a whole foods in our province! Ahh, it all looks so fresh and good!
I usually do a couple trips a week but my parents own a restaurant so I can get food there as well! It’s hard to say how much we spend but in a grocery store for 6 people probably $200.
Tempeh.. NO
That’s amazing for 6 people! I’m impressed!
We go once a week two. Usually on Sundays and it usually costs about the same amount. Glad to know we’re not the only ones spending that amount!
I definitely have make several trips to the grocery store. Its so hard for me to stick to a meal plan! I find myself always wanting something different than what I bought!
I’ve never tried tempeh before but have always wanted to. I’m a little nervous about trying it and have no clue how to cook it. Let me know how you end up preparing it!
I actually love tempeh, but I’m also weird and I enjoy plain baked tofu. Sometimes I’m all about texture, and I love tempeh’s texture!
Not weird at all! Tofu can be really good if done right!
I do the shopping once a week for our little family and spend about $200 a week, but that includes all meals and snacks at home. I save our “dining out” money for exploring local coffee shops : )
Haha, some of us have been eating tempeh our entire lives. It’s not that exotic. I’ve never eaten a piece of meat in my life so I realize I’m the minority, but please don’t talk about vegetarian staples like they were invented by the blogosphere.
Oh I totally get that it was NOT invented by the blog world it just became some crazy trend a few years ago! Sorry for any offense. <3
I really try to get groceries once a week. With the blog cooking I do, sometimes it’s hard to not forget something… but I spend less money if I can nail the planning.
I actually like tempeh. Lot’s of restaurants in Asheville serve it, but I have not cooked it myself. There is even a BBQ restaurant with a really good BBQ tempeh sandwich– Luella’s if you are up sometime
I need to get to Asheville soon! Thanks for the suggestion!
My live-in boyfriend and I probably spend close to that amount each week which sometimes does seem like a lot but it also gets us through almost the whole week (with just 1 or 2 dinners out) so I think it’s worth it.
Brian and I are very much like you guys…one trip for the week and we make it last!! The amount we spend varies but I try to keep it under $150 including toiletries and random extras
Also, I have been thinking I need to get some acai packets
Thanks for the reminder!
I can’t believe how inexpensive all that food is! It would be easily double the price here in Canada …
And well over half of it was organic. I thought it was a good trip as well.
for me and my boyfriend i usually spend at least $150-175 but that is pretty much breakfast lunch and dinner for the entire week. sometimes he goes out to lunch and maybe 1x per week we eat dinner out but thats it. so to me…thats not to bad seeing as how 1 dinner out sets us back a minimum of $60 it seems. well…that includes drinks
I shop for 6 including 4 teens….. You do not want to know how much I spend each week! I’ll give you a hint. It’s A LOT!! Lol
OMG! I cannot even imagine. Wow.
I just consulted my budget spreadsheet and that told me that I’ve spent an average of $200/month for myself and my daughter since the beginning of the year. (My goal is $150/month.) We also very rarely eat out (like maybe once a month). I like to buy produce that has a longer than average life (like apples and carrots) and cheap produce like bananas. I always buy that huge thing of baby spinach from costco, too, and put it in everything. I eat lots of eggs, chicken and nuts. I aim for healthy foods, as little food waste as possible and grocery shopping once every two weeks at the most. It helps.
That is amazing Sarah. Thank you so much for sharing some of your tips. The point on longer shelf life produce is so great.
Can’t deny it–Whole Foods is cruel to our wallets. But what an incredible haul!
I usually end up at the store twice a week if we aren’t eating out at all because I tend to underestimate now that my boyfriend lives with me! I usually just get a few things on the second trip (bananas are pretty much always on that list so maybe I should do the two bunches like you did!).