Happy Friday everyone. I’m enjoying some pre-dawn quiet time with my laptop and a cup of coffee. I got up at 5a this morning to do some writing and computer work because once the sun is up, Finn is up and the day kicks off – it’s going to be go, go, go! I am very proud of myself for my 9:30p bedtime last night, and I’m feeling good this morning.

It’s been a solid week over here on all fronts – mom, work, life. To be honest, last week felt a little on the *too* busy side. I set a record for the most personal training sessions I’ve ever done in a week (19) and taught 5 yoga classes on top of that. While I love the work and all of my clients and classes were so great, it’s a lot of running around and “on” time and doesn’t leave me with a lot of bandwidth for other work and personal things.

I practiced some self-care last Saturday. I started my day with a trip to the Charlotte Regional Farmers Market and everything looked so amazing. I came home fully stocked on fresh local produce and meat. All things green/lettuce-y are looking so amazing right now. Here’s what came home with me!
- Tomatoes (last of the season), watermelon radish, arugula, kale, red peppers, green leaf lettuce and Italian sausage from Bluebird Farm
- Butternut squash from Hoffman Heritage
- Cucumbers, baby ginger and carrots from A Way of Life
- Whole chicken, bone-in pork chops and Italian sausage meatballs from Colfax Creek
- Mountain apples from I don’t remember
I have been buying from the first three farmers that I listed for many, many years (10+ with some of them!?). I follow them on Instagram and/or get their email newsletters and it’s such a great feeling to know where your food is coming from and I appreciate so much how hard they work to grow it. I recently met the couple behind Colfax Creek and I’m loving their meats. They keep asking when I’m going to bring Finn out to tour the farm! So special to have this connection with the food you are eating.

Next up was some massage/bodywork/cupping with my therapist – and she came to my house which was such a treat! The rest of my Saturday looked like training a client, a late lunch, walking with Virginia and cheering on my Bulldogs who finally looked like a championship team against Kentucky!

I kicked off Sunday with the Lake Norman 15K (race recap here if you missed it) and then subbed a yoga class at Charlotte Yoga. I was THRILLED about my afternoon visitor!

Finn’s dad dropped him off for a few hours and it was so great to get some snuggles and sunshine with him.

Monday launched me into a new workweek and I am so fortunate to be able to front load my week when it comes to one-on-one clients so that I can spend more time with Finn during the back half of it. I had six clients back-to-back on Tuesday and also a yoga class that evening. This photo is from an in-home yoga private that I do weekly with a couple from he gym and they have the sweetest old dog who joins us for our sessions…and his name is Finn! It always cracks me up.

I am hitting my five year anniversary at Charlotte Yoga this coming January. I’m currently teaching four classes a week and I truly look forward to each and every one of them. I have the most fantastic group of regulars and it really feels like we’re all on this big journey of life together in a supportive and connected way.

Finn and I took a trip to the “pumpkin patch” AKA Home Depot on Thursday afternoon. I typically get my pumpkins and mums at Home Depot because they’re more budget-friendly there.

Finn loved helping me push the cart, carry the pumpkins and pick out the mums. After he carried one of the big pumpkins he said, “my muscles are so big now – look at this bump on my arm” while flexing his bicep. Haha.

Treat date at Villani’s where Finn got a chocolate chip cookie the size of his face. Their cookies are more of the giant Levain bakery-style. Sadly, this one wasn’t my fave and was a tad dry.

After Sunday’s race, I took two full rest days where all I did was walk. I was pretty sore on Monday – especially in my calves which is normal for me. Walking felt great. Wednesday I lifted and Thursday I finally felt ready to venture out for a run. Finn and I set out on an evening stroller run and it went so well.

We covered five miles and my body felt good and strong. I’m actually looking forward to trying to get 8-9 in again this weekend – and running the half marathon in November! It has worked really well for me to keep half marathon training loose and casual and to listen to my body rather than living and dying by a plan. My only goal is to finish and have fun so this approach is perfect for where I’m at with running!
Well, my little pumpkin is up so it’s time to make breakfast, pack lunch, get dressed for work, etc. I hope y’all have a great Friday and a lovely weekend. I’ll be back to report on our weekend adventures.
What’s your typical bedtime? When do you feel that you get your best work/focusing done?
What’s your favorite type of apple?
Do you have any fall races on your calendar? How is training going?
I’m pregnant so it’s usually around 9:30 PM and I can’t run but I walk a lot ! I weirdly don’t miss running at all and I don’t think I will ever go back to it after birth. Who knows !
I’m scared you are going to burn yourself out !!! I hope you have a cleaning lady or someone who helps at home… my favourite apples (from our Quebec orchards) are Lobo and Cortland. And I love Granny Smith but they don’t grow here!
I was training for the Philly marathon, but I did an 18 miler last week and my body said thank you but we’re done. So I’m adjusting and doing the Philly half. I was in a lot of pain after and my body was hurting. Not just usual post run soreness. So I’m pivoting. Good luck with your training. PS I am a 9:30 bedtime gal, too!