That’s a whole lot of “Ws” in the blog post title!
GOOD MORNING from Mexico!

We arrived on Saturday around noon for our 5th annual Y2 Yoga retreat and have been soaking up all the beauty of Zoetry Paraiso de la Bonita ever since.

I’m currently enjoying a fruit plate and some coffee while I write this post and then I’ll head off to our AM yoga practice at 8. I wanted to pop in to share some workout ideas, your weekly workout playlist and the winners from last week’s giveaways.
Workouts + Workout Ideas
6.2 mile run at 8:24 pace
Hot yoga
500 meter row
3 rounds:
20 resistance band around ankles two-step side shuffles
20 resistance band around ankles jump squats
10 push ups
5 rounds:
10 back squats (95#)
10 pull ups (30 kipping, 20 strict with light band)
10 push ups
500 meter row
5 rounds:
10 barbell deadlifts from the ground (95#)
10 burpees
10 supine toes to bar
3 rounds:
10 bicep curls
15 tricep pressdowns
10 side raise
10 overhead press
5.7 mile run at 8:30 pace
1 mile treadmill run
3 rounds:
15 dumbbell chest flys
10 dumbbell single arm rows (each arm)
10 dumbbell single leg deadlifts (each leg)
3 rounds:
20 leg press
10 machine hamstring curls (each leg)
10 straight bar upright rows
10 straight bar overhead press
3 rounds:
10 TRX bicep curls
20 squat with reverse fly (resistance band)
10 TRX tricep extensions
10 TRX reverse jump lunge with knee lift (each leg)
4.2 mile run
Yoga + Sprints + Strength
2 miles of .3 mile sprints with 20-30 second rest between
3 rounds:
10 dumbbell single arm rows (each arm)
15 incline push ups
3 rounds:
10 dumbbell bicep curls
10 dumbbell tricep kickbacks (each arm)
3 rounds:
25 goblet squats
5 dumbbell front raise/side raise combos
10 dumbbell upright row
10 dumbbell overhead press
Weekly Workout Playlist
And here’s the direct link to the playlist in Spotify.
Giveaway Winners
Be Runa Seed Salt and Seed Sweet
Comment #106 jberry
thredUP $250 Credit
Comment #3 Leah C
BB&T Corporate Cup Entry
Comment #19 Jennifer
I will email all of you today! Feel free to go ahead and email me if you haven’t heard from me yet!
Have a great day everyone!
have such a good time!
I LOVE your playlists!! I am in week 1 of Couch to 5k and the music keeps me going!
What a great week of workouts! Enjoy the retreat!
Currently playing “Something Like This” every time i get in the car…obsessed! I’ll check out the rest of your playlist today
Love all the strength workouts you did too! I just finished my first marathon two weeks ago and now I’m looking to up my strength work again, the taper had me going a bit crazy
Just did your Sunday workout and it was killer! Loved it!
Thank you so much for the playlist! I love it!!
That’s an amazing week of workout!!
This is a great playlist, thanks for sharing! I’ll definitely be using this for my run this evening. Looking forward to trying the circuit workouts as well.